Saturday, October 26, 2013

day 13.

This morning, I spent several hours working on a new kind of project. Honing my technique as I finished one, and moved onto the next. Finding better ways to set it up, finesse it, finish it, with each one I did. It's a long way from perfect, but I'm pleased with what I've done so far and working on those gave me ideas for more.

When I was done working on that, I found myself full of renewed energy for working on jewelry designs, so I spent another five hours finessing my shops, putting new work together, taking photographs, doing inventory. Working on a new idea can sharpen my blades in a way nothing else does: it spills over into everything I do. Even getting the laundry done can seem exciting and make me feel sparky.

Finding those new things to keep my edges sharp can seem like a huge amount of pressure when I'm feeling dull, but golly, just one new thing can keep the engine burning hot for a long time. I love this feeling. I've had a really good day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the new Leaves of Glass shop look.