And now it's Thursday, and I'm dead tired and wracking my brain for something to say because it will not do to miss three days in a row. It's not like they were uneventful days. Stuff happened. I went places. Things got done. Fun was had.
Still, I'm having trouble marshaling any of it into what might be called a narrative. So I'm going to fall back on a standard and relate something my niece said. Mainly because my parents really like getting to hear this stuff. Think of me as the family archivist. (Also think of me as flawed, for a number of reasons, but here because I may not have remembered her whole spiel accurately. It's representative. The bit about the cup is right, though.)
"I want to travel with you on a train or in a cup with milk and then we fly and go down a slide and it says 'mew, mew' and I take Orange Kitty!"
"Please never stop talking."
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