Monday, October 14, 2013


I've been blog-blocked for a couple of months now, and the longer I let it go, the harder it seems to get started again. Last week, my friend Kirsten wrote a blog post about her 365 project. She's been drawing birds all year, at least one a day, in her calendar. I thought she was great when she started, but she's gotten so much better with 10 months of daily discipline and practice; it's inspiring. I read her post and decided I wanted to do a 365 project of my own. There are dozens of things that are routine in my life, and dozens more that I consider habit, or work, or consistency. There are things I practice until I get better at them, and things I attempt and then abandon. But I've never tried anything like this.

Writing is important to me, and the things I learn about myself when I use this space have been so valuable. I want to be a better writer in general, but I also want to have the habit of writing, as a tool for myself. Starting today, I'm going to write at least one sentence here, every day, for the next year. Those are my only parameters. A minimum of one sentence, every day, for one year. It's probably going to be a bit stumbly for a while, but I'm pretty interested to see what's going to happen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hurray! Good for you.